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Haworthia chloracantha forms clumps with slender, curved, yellow-green leaves. Their succulent nature enables them to store water within the thick leaves when there is no frequent rainfall. The plants are generally small, less than 10 cm (4 in) high. The summer flowers appear in October and November, on the end of an inflorescence. Like the aloes, they are members of the subfamily Asphodeloideae and they generally resemble miniature aloes, except in their flowers, which are distinctive in appearance. It’s grown for its vividly-striped foliage and beautiful golden flowers. Let’s go over the proper care for your zebra … Botanists had long noticed differences in the flowers the three subgenera, but had previously considered those differences to be inconsequential, although the differences between species in the same subgenus definitely are. Having looked up the name “ zebra cactus” online, I find that this is given in sales sites as Haworthia fasciata. Haworthias are small succulent plants, forming rosettes of leaves from 3 cm (1.2 in) to exceptionally 30 cm (12 in) in diameter, depending on the species. The stems of the leaves have a purple tinge. Haworthia parksiana, the smallest Haworthia species. Zebra cactus is often wrongly deemed as an aloe plant. Some species do however extend into neighbouring territories, in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), southern Namibia and southern Mozambique (Maputaland). Systematic Botany, Volume 39, Number 1, March 2014, pp. They are both sometimes called zebra cactus, zebra plant or zebra haworthia because of their similar appearance. Recent phylogenetic studies have demonstrated that the traditional divisions of the genus are actually relatively unrelated (Hexangulares was shown to be a sister-group of genus Gasteria, Robustipedunculares more closely related to genus Astroloba, and Haworthia as an out-group related to Aloe). It has very thick leaves that form in rosettes. [11] All haworthias are sensitive to frost, and they are rated as winter hardy to USDA zone 10.[12]. How do I separate and transplant a cluster of zebra cactus? Haworthia Attenuata, or Zebra Cactus Don’t let the name fool you; it’s not a cactus. The plants can grow solitary or can be clump-forming. Haworthia maculata, showing distinctive red-purple, spotted, normally turgid leaves, with tiny bristles on margins & keels. If a flowering plant is your goal, feed using fertilizer every one to two weeks during its … zebra butthole cactus. Haworthia herbacea, showing distinctive yellow-green ("herbacea") colour, and spined margins & keels. (2012), Haworthia Update - Essays on Haworthia Vol. They are popular garden and container plants. Haworthia species reproduce both through seed and through budding, or offsets. Native to South Africa, these clump-forming succulents have similarities with Aloe s, and they are related to the same subfamily. Bayer, B. Haworthia lockwoodii drys its leaves into a papery sheath in the heat of summer. The Plant Features of Haworthia Attenuate. [3][4]. Many species have firm, tough, fleshy leaves, usually dark green in colour, whereas others are softer and contain leaf windows with translucent panels through which sunlight can reach internal photosynthetic tissues. 7, Part 1. My haworthias fasciata looked just like the haworthia right next to them when I bought them, and two weeks later their leaves were pointed upwards. inner) surfaces of its leaves. Zebra Cactus rotting/dying? Haworthia is a large genus of small succulent plants endemic to Southern Africa Haworthia magnifica var. The Plant List (2010). All Haworthia species favour extremely well-drained soil (in habitat they tend to grow in poor sands, in rocky areas). The leaves of H. fasciata are also often stouter and more deltoid. Zebra Haworthia plants are clump-forming plants related to Aloe and native to South Africa, as are many succulents. Fast & Free shipping on many items! Recognize zebra succulents by their signature white stripes running horizontally across the outside surfaces of their aloe-like leaves. The actual number and identification of the species is not well established; many species are listed as "unresolved" for lack of sufficient information, and the full list reflects the difficulties of Haworthia taxonomy, including many varieties and synonyms. Haworthia has been a similarly a weakly contrived genus. Its ability to tolerate low light makes it a fantastic indoor succulent. Haworthia emelyae var. [5][6], Many species of Haworthia have been moved to Haworthiopsis and Tulista, in particular since the last update of The Plant List (2013), which contains about 150 accepted species of Haworthia. It belongs to the same subfamily and is confused with an actual cactus because of the similarity in the appearance. Haworthia is a large genus of small succulent plants endemic to Southern Africa (Mozambique, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini and South Africa). Some species like Haworthia pumila and Haworthia truncata can be adapted to tolerate full-sun however. Their flowers are small, and generally white. The word "cactus" derives, through Latin, from the Ancient Greek κάκτος, kaktos, a name originally used by Theophrastus for a spiny plant whose identity is now not certain. Haworthia arachnoidea has numerous dark-green leaves, which have no translucent tips and bear a dense hairy web of spines. The species it accepts as of February 2018[update] are listed below,[8] excluding Haworthia kingiana and Haworthia minor, placed in Tulista by other sources.[9]. [4][2][5][6]. Zebra plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) is a finicky houseplant. It is distinguished by its flowers, but usually has dark, lined, triangular, scabrid leaf-faces. Balcony Garden Web explains there are more than 20 varieties of zebra plants and cacti, and they can have striped leaves, raised spots, wider leaves, pointy leaves or lance-shaped leaves. Haworthia fasciata Zebra Plant or Zebra Haworthia This succulent is great for your indoor succulent garden. Haworthiopsis fasciata, formerly Haworthia fasciata, is a species of succulent plant from the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Zebra cactus (Haworthia attenuata), also known as zebra plants, are succulents with shapes similar to that of aloe plants. Haworthia variegata has thin, straight, erect leaves, with variegated spined margins. In nature, it grows in the shrublands of South Africa with acidic soil and partial shade or filtered light. Most species are endemic to South Africa, with the greatest species diversity occurring in the south-western Cape. Additionally, when the plants are stressed (e.g. Just a regular old succulent, albeit a gorgeous one. Almost all Haworthia species are naturally adapted for semi-shade conditions (in habitat they tend to grow under bushes or rock overhangs) and they are therefore healthiest in shade or semi-shade. The highly proliferous Haworthia reticulata bears tiny teeth and a reticulated pattern on its leaves. Shop a huge online selection at I have a zebra cactus (the green small spikey kind) and the tip of the cactus broke off so now its like 2 cactus' --- id like to save the tip of the broken cactus as it looks like it could still grow, ive planted it in some soil do you think thats going to work- is there anything i … Zebra cactus (Haworthia attenuata), also called zebra plants, are succulents with a shape similar to that of aloe plants. Less reliably, the plants may also be propagated through leaf cuttings, and in some instances, through tissue culture. The genus Huernia (family Apocynaceae, subfamily Asclepiadoideae) consists of perennial, stem succulents from Eastern and Southern Africa and Arabia, first described as a genus in 1810. There is widespread special collector interest, and some species such as Haworthia cymbiformis are fairly common house and garden plants. Haworthia decipiens has light green, wide, flat, semi-translucent leaves, that have prodigious bristles on the margins (less so on the bottom leaf faces), Haworthia cooperi (showing translucent "window" panels at the tips of its leaves), An extreme rounded form of Haworthia cooperi, Haworthia cymbiformis has light green, even-coloured, boat-shaped leaves ("cymbiformis" = "boat shaped"), Haworthia blackburneae is a thin, grass-like species, Genus of flowering plants In family Asphodelaceae. Etymology. A Zebra plant will grow best in soil that is neutral to acidic. A lot to take in? They tend to curve inwards more. Other names include the Zebra Haworthia and the Zebra plant. B. Bayer recognised approximately 60 species in a review of the genus in 2012, whereas other taxonomists are very much less conservative. Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden! In recognition of the polyphyletic nature of the genus, Haworthiopsis and Tulista have been split off. Haworthia mucronata has translucent margins and keels on its soft, pointed ("mucronate") leaves. Over-watering can cause the roots to rot. Poisonous for pets: Non-toxic to cats and dogs. Views: 839, Replies: 12 » Jump to the end. Their brightly colored flowers and bracts make for a prized display. Like the aloes, they are members of the subfamily Asphodeloideae and they generally resemble miniature aloes, except in their flowers, which are distinctive in appearance. The genus is named after the botanist Adrian Hardy Haworth. The species has similar markings to Haworthiopsis attenuata, which is commonly grown as a house plant. comptoniana is a large, lighter coloured form, with a clear reticulated pattern on the broad leaf faces, Haworthia springbokvlakensis has round, bulging, translucent leaf faces, Haworthia wittebergensis showing its distinctive thin bristle-like leaves. Published on the Internet; World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families,, The cultivation of different Haworthia species, Asphodelaceae Anonymous (Lawrence Loucka),, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from February 2018, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 December 2020, at 19:13. Zebra Haworthia or Zebra Cactus (common). Plants are 6" tall and will grow babies around the base of the mother plant. Depriving them of nitrogen generally results in paler leaves.[2]. Haworthia magnifica var. Zebra Plant (now named Haworthiopsis fasciata) (Rowley): Named for the distinctive white bumps that line the outside of its leaves. abirkhan998 Jul 5, 2019 3:01 PM CST. The classification of the flowering plant subfamily Asphodeloideae is weak, and concepts of the genera are not well substantiated. Do not confuse it with its relative, Haworthia fasciata. However, their leaves show wide variations even within one species. Some real r/surrealmemes shit right there. Haworthia fasciata, more commonly known as zebra plant, is a great succulent for beginners because it’s so easy to take care of! The nickname Zebra plant comes from its large, dark green, shiny leaves that have a bold white midrib and white veins. Three words I never thought I'd see used consecutively in a serious context. They have clusters of thick, pointed green leaves with bumpy white lines in stripes around each leaf. Certain species or clones may be more successful or rapid in offset production, and these pups are easily removed to yield new plants once a substantial root system has developed on the offshoot. This species favours the acidic sands of the fynbos vegetation type, in the area near Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Belong to the succulent plant type, the zebra cactus also has its place in the aloae tribe—which explain its similarity with the aloe vera. Instead of one lightning bolt-shaped appendages on its head, it now carries two, and has a spikier mane that runs all the way down its back. Haworthia pubescens co-occurs with H.herbacea but is very finely "pubescent" (covered in velvety fur). Haworthia fasciata is commonly known as the Zebra cactus though it’s not a cactus but a succulent. The species is rare in cultivation; most plants that are labelled as H. fasciata are actually Haworthiopsis attenuata. The inflorescences of some species may exceed 40 cm (16 in) in height. The species is rare in cultivation; most plants that are labelled as H. fasciata are actually Haworthiopsis attenuata.[2]. They are ..… How to Remove Offsets From a Haworthia Attenuata. Manning, John; Boatwright, James S.; Daru, Barnabas H.; Maurin, Olivier; van der Bank, Michelle. (Mozambique, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini and South Africa).[1]. The two are therefore frequently confused with each other, and a great many H. attenuata specimens are mislabelled as the rarer H. fasciata. Soil: Select a gritty, well-draining mix like succulent/cactus soil and plant in a deep pot. By Melissa King The zebra plant (Aphelandra squarrosa), a native of Brazil, gets its name from its dark green and white striped foliage. Views: 3740, Replies: 12 » Jump to the end. A cactus (plural cacti, cactuses, or less commonly, cactus) is a member of the plant family Cactaceae, a family comprising about 127 genera with some 1750 known species of the order Caryophyllales. Name: Klara Croatia, Europe (Zone 8a) Klara333 Aug 5, 2019 7:17 AM CST. Haworthia magnifica is sometimes considered to be a form of H. mirabilis. [3] Haworthia Fasciata and Attenuata (botanical/scientific). That may be why it is also often alternately labeled as Zebra Plant. Watering depends on the species (winter or summer rainfall) but most of the common species are tolerant of a variety of watering routines. Haworthia maraisii is a tiny, dark-coloured haworthia, with bristled, retused leaves. A multi-purpose potting blend is adequate for a Zebra plant—you can also incorporate sand into the mixture to ensure that it drains well. The most fundamental distinction, though not externally obvious, is that Haworthiopsis fasciata has fibrous leaves – unlike H. attenuata, but similar to H. glauca, H. coarctata, H. reinwardtii and H. Haworthia nortieri, from the far north-west of the Western Cape, has opaque leaves, covered in oval, pellucid spots. With about 80 species under its belt, Haworthia is one genus that offers a wide variety of succulents for one to explore. Its white tubercles occur only on the lower (outer) sides of its leaves; whereas H. attenuata has roughness or tubercles on both sides of its leaves. Haworthia mirabilis has sharp-pointed, translucent leaf faces with marginal spines, Haworthia mirabilis var. Commonly called zebra plant, Haworthia attenuata is a cold-sensitive succulent species grown for its eye-catching, green and white textured leaves. Rigid, evergreen and somewhat unusual, dedicated collectors brought them to Europe in the 1600’s. These rosettes are usually stemless but in some species stems reach up to 50 cm (20 in). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Haworthiopsis fasciata, formerly Haworthia fasciata, is a species of succulent plant from the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. badia has reddish-brown, attenuate leaves. They produce small white flowers with purple pin stripes on a long outreaching stem. Haworthia floribunda has relatively few dark, slender, twisted leaves with rounded ends. Coming from r/all, if there wasn't a picture, I'd have thought you accidentally entered a captcha in the middle of your title.. Perhaps the most popular varieties are H. attenuata and H. fasciata, both are commonly known as the Zebra Cactus. [10] Rarer species may have more specific requirements. Description of Zebra Cactus, Haworthia fasciata The Zebra Cactus is not actually a cactus. splendens is a particularly ornate variety with flecked leaves, prized by horticulturalists as "Haworthia splendens". They have clusters of … Its origins may lay in the Latin equiferus meaning "wild horse"; from equus ("horse") and ferus ("wild, untamed"). Related genera are Aloe, Gasteria and Astroloba and intergeneric hybrids are known. Haworthia is a genus within the family Asphodelaceae, subfamily Asphodeloideae. The triangular shaped leaves are green with narrow white crested strips on the outside. Illinois. [7] The World Checklist of Selected Plant Families has been updated to exclude the species now in Haworthiopsis and Tulista. atrofusca is a very dark, reddish-brown, rough-surfaced variety, Haworthia turgida is a compact, clumping, retuse haworthia, with swollen, "turgid", light-green leaves, Haworthia mutica has one or two lines and a pale, cloudy, mat surface on its compact, slightly rounded ("mutica") leaves, Haworthia retusa has a recognisable shiny leaf-face on its retuse leaves, and a light green colour, Haworthia pygmaea has flat, rough, scabrous or papillate leaf surfaces, "agenteo-maculosa" is a smoother variety of Haworthia pygmaea with silver spots ("argenteo maculosa"). A Molecular Phylogeny and Generic Classification of Asphodelaceae subfamily Alooideae: A Final Resolution of the Prickly Issue of Polyphyly in the Alooids? Max Growth (approx): Leaves grow from 4in - 8in tall and the rosette up to about 5in in diameter. 55-74. Zebra plants are small, growing less than 6 inches tall. In their natural habitat, Zebra Plants receive plenty of sun and periods without rainfall. longiana. The bright yellow flowers on a Zebra plant emerge from bracts at the end of a long stem. World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, Haworthia fasciata - Information page at Haworthia-Gasteria,,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 August 2020, at 06:24. Both H. attenuata and H. fasciata have large leaves that hold water. Haworthia emelyae has compact, bulging leaves which are often pink-flecked. This zebra houseplant is known for its large shiny leaves and dark green foliage deeply veined in white or yellow, reminiscent of zebra stripes, hence the common name. However Haworthiopsis fasciata is rare in cultivation, and can easily be distinguished by the smooth upper (ie. Its small ears are blue inside, like Blitzle. Version 1. Though they are very similar between species, flowers from the species in section Hexangulares generally have green striations and those from other species often have brown lines in the flowers. Unlike H. attenuata, older H. fasciata specimens also sometimes develop long columnal stems. At the end of the leaf is a non acute spine. Having deep green foliage with bright, white spots, Zebra plant is a succulent perennial which can grow quite well in any place with plenty of sun or bright light. I'd be like, "damn, OP, did you just have a stroke mid-sentence?" It has thick, dark green leaves with white horizontal stripes on the outside of the leaves. deprived of water), their colours can change to reds and purples. Haworthia semiviva drys its leaves into a papery sheath in the heat of summer. The English name "zebra" dates back to c. 1600, deriving from Italian, Spanish or Portuguese. The roots, leaves and rosettes do demonstrate some generic differences while wide variations occur even within one species. Since then, many people grow Haworthia succulents. This exotic is a beautiful option for indoor gardening, but only if you know the right tips. Shop great deals on Zebra Plant In Cactus & Succulent Plants. Zebstrika is a large equine Pokémon that resembles a zebra. Haworthia heidelbergensis possibly a form of H. mirabilis, with long, thin, bristle-tipped leaves, that are more outward spreading. It has a white spiky tail with a star-shaped tip. Few dark, slender, twisted leaves with rounded ends, evergreen and somewhat unusual, dedicated collectors them... Are usually stemless but in some species do however extend into neighbouring,. Not actually a cactus white stripes running horizontally across the outside Adrian Hardy Haworth flecked leaves, by! Called Zebra cactus, haworthia fasciata the end vividly-striped foliage and beautiful golden.! 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