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It was just a sematic difference, but do to political and other disagreements at the time, the Oriental Orthodox churches were considered Monophysites, which to them meant that we were denying that Christ was either human or divine. This leads to the often-overlooked theological difference of Copts speaking of one will in Christ while Greeks, following the Third Council of Council of Constantinople of 680-681, speak of two wills in Christ, human and divine in perfect harmony. The difference between 'Monophysitism' [naturally a Eutychian theology] and 'Miaphysitism' [a Cyrilian formula] is that the former refers to a "Simple One Nature" where Christ's humanity is sucked by his divinity or a distinct set of premieses leading to only one of the perfect natures of Christ preserved after union. The Greek Orthodox Christology on the other hand (also called as 'Chalcedonian Confession' or 'Creed of Chalcedon') is based on the famous Tome of Leo (A letter by Leo the great, bishop of Rome sent to the second council of Ephesus in AD449) which speaks of the union in Christ as 'acknowledged in two natures', αναγνώρισε σε δύο φύσεις which 'come together into one person and one hypostasis'. I am being very frank. Thanks for contributing an answer to Christianity Stack Exchange! Where in the later (Miaphysitism), Jesus has two perfect natures - fully Divine and fully Human. He also stated thats why the copts used to make the sign of the cross with one finger and not like the other orthodox churches with 3 fingers combined in one. And if i become a member of the church of Antioch i will be then in communion with both the coptic and Greek churches in Australia! its just if they are in communion with the Coptic church? I had a conversation with a priest from a greek orthodox church and he asked me what church I went to, I told him I go to a coptic orthodox church. And these two natures are perfectly united into a "Composite One Nature" where a different third substance is not created, neither did the two composing natures lose their substance. and guess what? Coptic Orthodox are part of the family of Oriental Orthodox churches. Below is the source of the above quote: 14 John 1-11. ... Worship Service: Coptic Orthodox Churches celebrate the mass, which includes traditional liturgical prayers from a lectionary, readings from the Bible, singing or chanting, almsgiving, a sermon, consecration of the bread and wine, and communion. I have not condemn anyone to hell, I am just stating facts. Im not going to deny my experience or historical experience either. In recent decades, Coptic and Eastern Orthodox traditions have entered into a dialogue which has led to the recognition that both share the same faith, and closer relationships are being sought. So then what is it about? Christ-Incarnate means simply that, the Son of God hath put on Flesh with all its properties bodily, soul and spirit, different than the Divine Properties, but akin to them; to effect the Great Salvific Ekonomia of His People ie to save them from their sins. Does anyone have clear documented information about this whole situation and the status now, cause this seems like a big deal to be excommunicated from the orthodox church. I remember that when I was a buddhist, the gurus told us that Christ (yes, Christ-God) was meditating somewhere in France. first we will describe the mechanics of making the cross, then explain why it is indeed important that we make the sign of the cross correctly. Gentile. The Coptic Orthodox Church was one of the charter members of the World Council of Churches in 1948. This site is neutral, as in, no preaching allowed and no judgments made. Oriental Orthodox churches are not the same as the more familiar Eastern Orthodox group, which includes the Greek and Russian Orthodox churches. Anyway i could estimate that at least 95% of our congregation are not even familiar with our church's stand on these theological issues, so how is this still a valid excuse for us to not be in communion? I was trying to say, probably poorly, that at the time of the Schism a Coptic Orthodox would say what you said; however, a Greek Orthodox would say the same thing. The Orthodox Church is evangelical, but not Protestant. 14 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. Just as humans are of their mothers and fathers and not in their mothers and fathers, so too is the nature of Christ according to Oriental Orthodoxy. Related . I know we have to be kind and such, but the truth is the Coptics are just being stubborn. According to the Greek Orthodox Church can one marry a Maronite Catholic? Roman Catholics, independent Catholics, Protestants (Anglicans, Lutherans etc. Some of the prominent Coptic Apologists include St. Dioscorus of Alexandria (Champion of Orthodoxy - AD444), St. Cyril of Alexandria (Pillar of Faith - AD412), St. Timothy of Alexandria (The Great - AD378), St. Athanasius of Alexandria (The Apostolic - AD328), St. Alexander of Alexandria (The Great - AD313), St. Peter of Alexandria (Seal of Martyrs - AD300), St. Dionisius of Alexandria (AD265), St. Demetrius of Alexandria (AD188), St. Mark the Apostle (the Evangelist - AD48),... For the Coptic Church please visit: The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church Of Egypt and for Christology particularly Monophysitism Reconsidered. However, I do not think this is a proper reading of the situation. Discussion from Fr. God is the source of faith in the Orthodox Church. However, there are key differences between Orthodox Christianity and other Christian denominations. He gave me an article by Bishop Maximos of Pittsburgh of the Greek Archdiocese. So, at this point, the differences between Coptic and Greek theology become a very subtle game of parsing technical language. Thus Orthodoxy refers to the practice of the right belief and worship. Coptic Christians believe that … In any case, the Second Council of Constantinople of 553 affirms the latter narrative as the understanding of the Incarnation accepted by the Greeks as well. So I wish the Coptics and Nestorians would get it together and admit their error...and reform at least for the sake of the souls of the people who they are entrusted to pastor. Furthermore the Coptic and Nestorian understanding lends itself to the Avatar notion of trans-positioning (i don't know the precise term) wherein they could say God the Son attached Himself to "Jesus" a unique person, separate from the Essential Unique Son of the Trinity as was explained above. He says that Bishop Maximos is a great Patristic scholar and that his word, which supports the Copts as Orthodox, is final. Going for WC but if that fails just roman empire. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Catholic Church vs. He said … Consequently, the difference between 'Monophysitism' and 'Miaphysitism' entails a great separation of 'Single Nature' - which is a simple one, and 'One Nature' - which is a composite one, respectively. We prefer to be called Miaphysites, meaning that we believed that Christ had one nature composed of two natures. That is how far the delusion can go and ofcourse Christ couldn't allow me to go on in that state, but that is another story. That was agreed upon by all churches in the first three councils. Many argue and it is clear from records that St. Dioscorus held a Cyrilian Christology and was excommunicated simply for predominantly ethical allegations. John 1.1. (since we are not in communion with many orthodox churches). I think its sad that we are still not in communion over issues like this. It is also the personal blog of a lowly Coptic Orthodox priest. I'm not a theologian but from what i know of the bible and the church fathers is that God can not be comprehended or understood by humans, so on issues which were not explained to us through God, I would have to say that they are 'assuptions' of His nature and can not be clearly defined as 'truth' , since there are many apostolic churches, all with opposing views. A:The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church is a separate church that is part of the little-known group of Christians called the Oriental Orthodox. Haredim, Chassidim, Modern Orthodox etc. Overview of the Coptic Orthodox Church. from your pastor, priest, or other trustworthy counselor, Visual design changes to the review queues, Opt-in alpha test for a new Stacks editor. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake. Christ Himself called Himself the Son of God, and chastises Philip -(to paraphrase) "have you been with me so long and don't realise that I the Son am in God -the Trinity seen as a singular unit- and God the Father is in Me (all Three of Us are Always in Unity and Undivisble, even though I have put on the flesh of my most prized servant other words We Three-The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit- are of one Essence, One Mind and One Nature....whereas as the God-Man, Christ is of two natures in one Person.) 10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? A Reading List for Lay People. Why does the Coptic church still perform circumcisions? Orthodox: Protestant: Roman Catholic: Apostolic Succession: This is an important part of Orthodox belief and ensures continuity with the church that Christ founded. topdawg. Coptic Monasticism. Subscribe to this Blog. difference which separated the Oriental Orthodox from the Eastern This fusion of mis conceptions and grammatical error will prove useful to confusing people into being led to understand the Hypostatic God as a mere man....a very prominent freemasonic, muslim and buddhist notion and, furthermore, new age. In the summer of 2001, the Coptic Orthodox and Greek Orthodox Patriarchates of Alexandria agreed to mutually recognize baptisms performed in each other's churches, making re-baptisms unnecessary, and to recognize the sacrament of marriage as celebrated by the other. The difference occurred because of the term Monophysite vs Miaphysite which was at the council of Chalcedon. Russian Orthodox belong to the family of Eastern Orthodox churches, which is what most people think of when you say “Orthodox.” Also included in this family of churches are the Greek Orthodox, Antiochian Orthodox, and the Orthodox Church of America. It looks like you're new here. "Placing the cross on oneself" We place our thumb and first two fingers together in a point, and our last we fingers flat against our palm. I think my personal experience highlights the danger that people will enter into when we are exposed to wrong thinkings about Christ as the God-Man, one of the three persons of the Trinity, Singular and yet Three Distinct Persons. Coptic vs Orthodox vs Sunni Ottomans? In the Council of Chalcedon schism we were the minority! The difference in these dates lies in the history of how these dates came about in the first place. I remember in my deluded state being so pleased with hearing that, and i even Thanked Jesus for allowing me to be a buddhist. The Oriental Orthodox Churches are more conveniently known as "Miaphysites" - a direct reference to their Christology based on the Cyrilian formula or simply "Non-chalcedonians". I am not condemning, nor am i preaching. The Copts have a non-Chalcedonian (miaphysite) Christology, and are considered heretics by the Greek Orthodox Church. The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church Of Egypt. Orthodoxy believes that God has revealed Himself to us, most especially in the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom we know as the Son of God. When snow falls, temperature rises. This is the difference, very simply put, and using simple grammatical language. Oriental Orthodoxy contends The Oriental Orthodox churches followed St. Cyril of Alexandria's formulation that Christ had one nature out of two, meaning that he was fully human and fully divine. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Coptic Orthodox vs Greek Orthodox? Ressurection of Jesus: Affirmed. And 'composite one' is found favorable to express the two perfect natures - divine and human mysteriously united with no lesser or greater proportion than 100% into "'One Nature' of God the Word Incarnate" - (more famously described as without changing, mingling, alteration, interpenetration, confusion, addition or mixing). and that is to mean 'Two Natures'. The Oriental Orthodox have been vocal in that it is wrong to label them as such which is a caricature (misrepresentation of Alexandrine Christology) made for the first time by the council of Chalcedon; a council which met to excommunicate Eutyches of a monophysitic creed but ended up excommunicating St. Dioscorus of Alexandria who was a persistent objector of 'monophysitism' and 'Eutychianism'. Does Terra Quantum AG break AES and Hash Algorithms? From Wikipedia: The Chalcedonians' understanding is that Christ is recognized in two Their Mysteries are invalid and, should they join the Orthodox Church, they must be received as non-Orthodox. I go to prepare a place for you. That priest like too many Eastern Orthodox Christians had at once believed our Church to be monophysite, meaning believing in one nature of Christ. Catholic Church – The Church regards the Pope, seated on the Apostolic Throne of St. Peter, as the head of the church, and the one supreme authority. They preferred to speak of Christ being worshiped in one human-divine nature 'out of' two natures. It is commonly called the Greek or Eastern Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria to distinguish it from the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria, which is part of Oriental Orthodoxy. If 'nature' is a universal, however, then the Incarnation is the story of the Word of God uniting with human nature and becoming Jesus. He told me that the coptic church back than was ex communicated from the orthodox church based on a certain confusion between the churches. he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father? Dear Conqueror - your question seems to presuppose that Eastern Orthodoxy is correct and if we were excommunicated from them, then we must not be orthodox. Rather it is important to emphasise continuity of teaching with that of the apostles, rather than a direct line of succession. On the Orthodox side, the symposium included representatives from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America, the Orthodox Church in America, and the Romanian Orthodox Church in America; on the Monophysite side, it included representatives from the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, the Coptic Orthodox Church, and the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. Making Tikz shapes/surfaces that don't appear in the PDF. 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